2-Person Team Cribbage Tournament Tuesday, July 13th, 6-10 PM
FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. The tournament will consist of 18 2-person teams. Winners and loser brackets maybe a few byes required. Email billm@jcarverdistillery.com asap with your team. Bill will e-mail you all the details.
WHO - YOU and a teammate.
WHAT - Two-person team cribbage tournament.
WHERE - J. Carver Distillery Cocktail Room - 1320 Mill Lane, Waconia, Minnesota.
WHEN - WEDNESDAY, JULY 13 from 6-10 PM.
HOW MUCH - $50.00 pp INCLUDES food catered by Island View Dining, two cocktails, prizes, tax. Additional cocktails available at $7. $15 pp plus into prize money.