Last Minute Valentine's Gift: Trifecta Whiskey
Step away from the gas station chocolates.
Photo: Stephanie March
True story: In 10th grade, in the back of Ms. Monicken's room, I used to write love poems for sale. This was the 80's, so I think you could pay me in Reese's Pieces, but if you needed something sappy, something obscure, something witty but cute to give to your intended, I was your Cyrano.
Allow me to re-dip my quill in this fashion.
If you are looking for something to give as a Valentine's Day gift, maybe don't smash the buy button on that Instagram blender, and definitely never grab a heart-shaped box of gas station chocolates (unless said intended has SPECIFICALLY said they happen to love gas station chocolates). Instead think about giving an artfully wrapped bottle of J. Carver's new single malt Trifecta Whiskey, and here's why.
First, much like your sig fig I am sure, it is beautifully complex. This local whiskey has a smooth richness that has been missing from the Minnesota whiskies of our past. Within a sip you find flavors like all the comely spices: vanilla, hazelnut, a snip of orange here, a bite of chocolate there, a dark whiff of espresso that calls you to lazy mornings.
Second, this amazing expression of malted barley is better because it's a blend. While barley is the single malted grain, there were three versions of malt that were blended together in this bottle. It has a stronger, deeper structure due to that union. Also, it has spent time in three different Minnesota-made barrels, all contributing something as the whiskey breathed in and out of those staves. You might say that is has learned something from its past.
Thirdly, this is a result of time and commitment. Aged for over four years, this is a whiskey that was allowed to evolve. You can imagine the distillers at J. Carver taking samples over the years, questioning if it was done yet, but having the faith to let it sit longer. When it had reached the specific kind of right for them, they bottled it at cask strength. Yes, it's 117 proof, which means it's unafraid to be strong.
And finally, it's kind of rare. Only 500 bottles were made. You can find them now, but they won't be there forever.
Feel free to slice up this wording and add your own embellishments, but please remember to copy in your own handwriting. I always insisted on that. Go with love and whiskey.